Tuesday, December 27, 2011

human anatomy in bangladesh

Human anatomy is one of most important topics for medical science.
As per undergraduate MBBS New curriculum 2012  in Bangladesh
In phase 1 student have complete three subject Anatomy, physiology, biochemistry.
Community medicine is omitted from 1st phase.
Medical students must complete anatomy within 18 months(including professional examination and result of it)
In new curriculum, study hours decreases from 666 hrs to 560 hrs.
study hours also decrease in other two subjects.
Most of the Bangladeshi student learn in mother language so, the first vary days of  medical students face many difficulty to understand medical terminology.
They take time to accustom to this situation. Facing dead body viscera
Also face difficulty to study this subject after teaching
. some of the medical student leave the medical science due this subject.
but it is an interesting subject though it is vast.
This blog try to help frustrated student to love this subject.
Detail information of any topic willfully avoided ,only understanding portion of any topics are discussed
This blog tries to make thing palatable.
Student should read books, see figure both real and also diagrams and discuss the difficult topics.
This is the way to learn Anatomy.
We want constructive criticism from students and suggestion.