Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Identifying point of histological slide of Smooth muscle

Smooth muscle 

Slide identification

1.      Centrally placed single flat nucleus 

Shape  of cell: spindle shape
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Identifying point of histological slide of cardiac muscle

Cardiac muscle 

Slide identification 

1.      Centrally placed single nucleus

2.      Branching present  

3.      Shape of cells : short, cylindrical 

Histological features of higher magnification

1.      Cross striation present 

2.      Intercalated disc is present 

Identifying point of histological slide of skeletal muscle

Skeletal muscle : slide identification under microscope 

1.      Peripherally placed multiple nucleus 

2.      Shape of cells: long, cylindrical 

3.      No branching present 

Histological features of higher magnification

Cross striation present

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Principles of teratology : lecture notes of embryology

Principles of Teratology: ( capacity of an agent to produce birth defects)
  1. Susceptibility to teratogenesis depends on the genotype of the conceptus
  2. Susceptibility to teratogens varies with the developmental stage at the time of exposure
  3. Manifestations of abnormal development  depend on dose and duration of exposure to a teratogen
  4. Teratogens act in specific ways on developing cells to initiate abnormal embryogenesis
  5. Manifestations of abnormal development are death, malformation, growth retardation & functional disorders

Lecture notes on notochord in embryology

Define notochord: it is the primordial axis of the embryo around which the axial skeleton forms
Formation of notochord
1.      appearance of primitive streak
2.      the cranial end of primitive streak proliferates to form a primitive node
3.      primitive node form the notochordal process , which extends cranially from the primitive node between the embryonic ectoderm and endoderm
4.      a small depression  is developed in the primitive node called primitive pit which extends into the notochordal process and forms notochordal canal.
5.      the notochordal process extends from primitive node to the prechordal plate
6.      opening develop in the floor of the notochordal canal , and the remaining notochordal process flattened and form notochordal plate
7.       the notochordal plate in folds to form the notochord