Anatomy books

Friday, August 2, 2019

Decidua : pregnant endometrium

Definition : Deciduas means gravid endometrium
Decidua reaction:
 i) cells of the endometrium polyhedral and loaded with glycogen and  lipids
  ii) intercellular spaces are filled with extravasate
  iii) the tissues is edematous
At first it occur at the site of implantation but soon spread throughout the endometrium

Parts of deciduas : it is divided into three parts
1.      decidua basalis : parts of decidua deep to the developing embryo which contributes to the development of placenta
2.      decidua capsularis : part of decidua which surround the embryo and it is separated from the uterine cavity
3.      decidua parietalis : rest of the decidua excluding decidua basalis and decidua capsularis

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