Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Short question on general histology

1Qwhat is tissue?
Ans : each tissue has two features:
  1. they are collection of cells and  secretion of cells ( fibres- protein + ground substance : protein carbohydrate composition ) .
  2. they do particular function or functions
2. Q: how many types of tissue present in our body ?
Ans: There are four basic types of tissue present in our body
1.  epithelial tissue
2. connective tissue
3. muscular tissue
4. nervous tissue

3. Q. Classify epithelial tissue.

Ans: it is two types:

  1. covering epithelium 
  2. Glandular epithelium 

4 Q. Classify covering epithelium  

Ans: two features consider in classification of covering epithelium 
  1. arrangement of cells : in a single layer (simple) or multiple layer (stratified)
  2. shape of cells: squamous(flat) , cuboidal (height and wide same), columnar( height is greater than wide) 

  • Simple epithelium:

  • simple squamous epithelium 
  • simple cuboidal epithelium 
  • simple columnar epithelium 
  • psuedostratified ciliated columnar epithelium 

           Cilia containing epithelium is always simple epithelium 

  • Stratified epithelium

  • stratified squamous epithelium: keratinized and non keratinized epithelium 
  • stratified cuboidal epithelium
  • stratified columnar epithelium 
  • transitional epithelium 

5. Q Mention the features of epithelial tissue 

Ans: Features of the epithelial tissue

  1. avascular 
  2. it has nervous innervation
  3. large number of cells with little intercellular substance 
  4. each epithelial cells has four surface domain : apical surface, two lateral surface, and basal surface 
  5. basal surface rest on basement membrane 

      if basement membrane is destroy epithelium can not grow 

Q 6. Features of simple columnar epithelium

Ans : 1. cells are arranged in single layer 
2. height of cells are more than the wide 
3. basally place oval nuclei

SN: in histological slide it is look like a thinner basally place blue line leaving an apical thicker pink line 

Q 7.What are the features of simple cuboidal epithelium?

  1. round shaped nucleus centrally placed 
  2. height and wide of cells are equal (cube shaped)

Q 8: What is the features of pseudostratified  ciliated columnar epithelium?


  1. Basally place nuclei in different layer ( like stratified epithelium) leaving apical pink large areas like simple columnar epithelium 
  2. some cells are small in height and some cells are longer in height but all cells are attached with basal lamina so it is simple epithelium 
  3. ciliated epithelium is always simple epithelium 
  4. irregular margin at apical surfaces of cells due to cilia

Q 9. What are the features of simple squamous epithelium?

  1. wide of cells are more than the thickness 
  2. scale like cells with  round flatten nucleus (like pouched egg) 
  3. in cross section nucleus bulging from a pink (cytoplasm) line 
Q . 10: Classify gland on basis of development with example 
Ans : ectodermal : mammary gland 
      Neural crest : adrenal medulla 
Mesodermal : adrenal cortex 
endodermal : Thyroid 
Q 11 Mention the name of glands originate from ectoderm . 
  1. mammary gland,
  2.  sweat gland, 
  3. sebaceous gland , 
  4. lacrimal gland , 
  5. pituitary ( anterior pituitary from ectoderm and 
  6. posterior pituitary from neuroectoderm, pineal gland from neuroectoderm , 
  7. from neural crest adrenal medulla ( chromaffin cells) and C cells of thyroid gland
Q 12. Mention the name of glands originate from mesoderm 
  1. adrenal cortex 
  2. kidney 
  3. testes 
  4. ovary 
  5. spleen 
Q 13. Mention the name of glands originate from endoderm 
  1. Liver 
  2. Pancreas 
  3. Parathyroid 
  4. Thyroid (except C cells of thyroid gland )
  5. Thymus 
Q 14. Features of myoepithelial cells.
Ans :
  1. It is seen in salivary gland, sweat gland , mammary gland 
  2. It contain actin so contract and expel secretion of gland 
  3. It is true epithelium it contain keratin protein which is the feature of epithelium 
  4. it develops from ectoderm or endoderm
  5. it is innervated by autonomic nervous system 
Q 15 Classify gland according to the mode of secretion 
Ans :
  1. Merocrine : only secretion exit from cell without any lost of cell's part : ex:salivary gland 
  2. Apocrine (ap ical region) :secretion + apical portion of cells are lost Ex: mammary gland 
  3. Holocrine (w hol e cell) : whole cell with secretion lost : ex : Sebaceous gland 

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