Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Classification of capillary : easy explaination

Capillary: it is the smallest part of blood vascular system.

Formation : it is formed by endothelium (simple squamous epithelium) with their basement membrane.

Classification of capillary: 
to do specific function structure of capillary is changed.
there are three types of capillary :
1. continuous capillary:
  endothelium and basement membrane are continous. there are no gap between endothelium and basement membrane is also formed a continuous layer . This type of capillary found in special area of body. Like brain, where it formed blood brain barrier. exchange between blood and brain tissue are highly selective so, this continuous capillary act as barrier. For this selective materials enter into brain by diffusion crossing endothelium and its basement membrane.
2. Discontinuous capillary: endothelium and basement membrane are discontinous.
there are  gap between endothelium.
different areas of basement membrane is also discontinuous.
This type of capillary found in some area of body where rapid exchange of nutrient ions are required
Using these gaps exchange of nutrient ions easily occurred between blood and selective tissues of body.
Like liver, spleen

3. Fenestrated capillary :   endothelium and basement membrane are continous.
there are no gap between endothelium.
basement membrane is also formed a continuous layer .
Why it is  known as fenestrated capillary ? 
Fenestration means tiny hole. these holes are present within an endothelium. Like holes within a leaf . just an example, a leaf (considered as endothelium) and tiny holes within it consider as fenetre

there are two types of fenetrated capillary
i) fenestrated capillarty with diaphragm

ii) fenestrated capillary without diaphragm

What is diaphragm?
it is a ultra thin membrane which covers fenestra
This type of capillary found in special area of body.
The fenestrated capillary without diaphragm  found in kidney glomerulus
this capillary takes part in formation of filtration apparatus so, exchange of materials done through fenestra
Fenestrated capillary with diaphragm found in other areas of kindey except glomerulus.
exchange of materials is occurred through ultra  thin   membrane of diaphragm

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