Monday, December 28, 2015

Choroid plexus : easy understanding and important information

  1. Choroid plexus:

these structure situated withing the ventricle of brain 


  1. Ependymal cells (cells of ventricles of brain, simple cuboidal epithelium) 
  2. capillary 
  3. pia mater (inner most layer of meninges

Location :  

  1. two lateral ventricles 
  2. 3rd ventricle
  3. 4th ventricle 

Choroid plexus absent in :

  1. frontal and occipital horn of lateral ventricles 
  2. cerebral aqueduct 

Functions :

  1. it produce cerebrospinal fluid 
  2. it forms blood CSF barrier
  3. it maintain extracellular milieu throughout the brain and spinal cord 
  4. it provide nutrition and remove waste product 

Clinical anatomy:

  1. choroid plexus cyst: it is found in fetus at early part of development usually disappear later part of development. it produces no effect in growth and development of CNS. some genetic disorder related to this condition like down's syndrome and Edward syndrome 
  2. Choroid plexus fails to function properly with age so it contribute the clinical condition like Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinsonism etc. 

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