Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Short question on Superior extremity

1. How many compartment present in arm?

Ans : Anterior compartment : which is innervated by musculocutaneous nerve
       Posterior compartment : which is innervated by radial nerve

2. How many compartment present in forearm?

Ans: Anterior compartment : which is innervated by mainly by median nerve and partly by ulnar  nerve
       Posterior compartment : which is innervated by radial nerve

3. Which nerve of upper limb innervated two compartment of upper limb?

Ans : Radial nerve which is innervated both posterior compartment of arm and forearm

4. Musculocutaneous nerve, what is the meaning of musculocutaneous ?

Ans: This nerve pierce the corabobrachialis muscle and end as cutaneous nerve known as lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm.

5. Which nerves innervated muscles of hand ?

Ans: Mainly ulnar nerves supply most of the muscles of hand  and some are supplied by median nerve

6. Which nerve plexus supply upper limb? 

Ans: Brachial plexus

7. What types of plexus is it ?

Ans: somatic plexus

8. How it is formed? 

Ans: it is formed by ventral rami of C 5 to 6 and T 1 spinal nerve

9. What do you mean by pre- fixed and post fix types of brachial plexus 

Ans: pre- fixed brachial plexus : formed by C 4 to 8 
Post fixed: formed by C6 to 8 T1-2

10 What is nerve plexus?

Ans: net of nerves. they are ventral rami of spinal nerves at different label

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