Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Development of spinal cord (alar and basal plate) : easy and brief description

Development of spinal cord 

Nervous tissue (brain and spinal cord ) is developed from neuroectoderm 
Neuroectoderm is developed from ectoderm 
Part of ectoderm is thickened and form neuroectoderm 
Neuroectoderm detouch from the ectoderm and formed a tube , know as neural tube.

Its cranial end dilated and formed brain and its caudal end remain narrow formed spinal cord .

What is the microscopic structure of neural tube? 

Ans: It is formed by simple columnar epithelium known as neuroepithelium .

From neuroepithelium new neuroblasts are formed by mitosis, they formed a separate layer around the neural tube known as mantle layer .
 Processes, axon and dendrites are begin grow from neuroblast , makes a new later around the mantle layer, known as marginal layer
Again mantle layer is divided into four part.Two ventral part, known as basal plates and
 two dorsal part known as alar part. 
These parts are separated by a sulcus known as sulcus limitans 
Two basal plates are separated by roof plate 
Two alar plates are separated by floor plate 
Basal plates are formed anterior horn of gray matter 
Alar plates are formed posterior horn of gray matter 
So, whole gray matter is came from mantle layer 
white matter is came from marginal layer 
and origin neuroepithelium is converted into ependyma of central canal 
And lumen of neural tube converted into central canal 

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