Sunday, April 17, 2016

Trigone of urinary bladder

Trigone of urinary bladder: it is situated interior of base of urinary bladder 
Distance between ureter to ureter 2.5 cm
Distance between ureter to urethra 2.5 cm
But in distended bladder it is 5 cm

Inter-ueteric fold is formed by continuity of the longitudinal muscles of ureters across the bladder

Ureteric orifice close by distension of urinary bladder but it open rhythmically in response to ureteric peristalsis and a jet of urine injected into bladder (4 or 5 times a minute normally )
Trigone contain two group of muscles

Superficial trigone muscle :
1.       a triangular layer of muscles, morphologically distinct component of the trigone
2.       it contain small diameter smooth muscle cells
3.       it is a thin muscle layer except at interureteric fold and urethra-ureteric fold where it is thicken
4.       in both sex it is continuous with muscles of ureter and urethra and in male it is also continuous with muscles of ejaculatory duct near the opening  
5.       different from other part of urinary bladder , it is rich in sympathetic supply

Deep trigone detrusor muscle

Sympathetic supply of urinary bladder:
1.       Vasomotor
2.       Inhibit detrusor muscle
1.       Motor to superficial trigone muscle and muscles of bladder neck in male
Parasympathetic supply of urinary bladder
1.       Contraction of detrusor muscle
2.       Sense of filing – travel by parasympathetic system then spinal cord then by tract of gracile
3.       But pain sensation travel by both sympathetic and parasympathetic then lateral spinothalamic tract

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