Friday, October 7, 2016

Bony pelvis: short questions for oral examination

Short questions of bony pelvis :
1.     Mention anatomical points of bony pelvis
2.     How bony pelvis is formed?
3.     How many joints are present in bony pelvis? Mention their types
4.     What are the divisions of pelvis? Which plane divide bony pelvis in two parts?
5.     Trace the pelvic inlet in a bony pelvis.
6.     What is linea terminalis ?
7.     Trace the pelvic outlet and mention its boundaries.
8.     Why greater pelvis is known as false pelvis and lesser pelvis is  known as true pelvis?
9.     Which structure cover pelvis outlet anteriorly and posteriorly?
10.                        Mention the formation of  pelvic diaphragm.
11.                        Mention the content of pelvic cavity in male and female.
12.                        What is pelvimetry?
13.                        How anterior- posterior, oblique,transverse diameter of pelvic inlet is measured?
14.                        Which diameter of pelvis inlet is longest in female ?
15.                        How anterior- posterior, oblique,transverse diameter of pelvic outlet is measured?
16.                        Which diameter of pelvis outlet is longest in female?
17.                        Measurement of bony pelvis is always done internally ---true /false
18.                        What is external conjugate, diagonal conjugate, obstetrical conjugate
19.                        Draw different types of pelvis. Which varieties are common in female and in male
20.                        mention the difference between male and female pelvis considering following points ---
·        size and shape
·         bony characters,
·        subpubic angle,
·        sacrum,
·        ischial spine

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