Thursday, October 13, 2016

Lymphatic drainage of body : easy description

Lymphatic drainage of body
What is Lymph?
Ans : Tissue fluid which came out from capillary and enters in the lymphatic capillary is known as lymph.
They contain macromolecules of colloid like protein, carbondioxide, cancer cells, bacteria etc.
Cisterna chili: it is a dilated lymphatic sac situated in front of L1-2. Collect lymph from abdomino-pelvic organs. It is continued above as thoracic duct

Lymph vessels
Collect lymph
Drain lymph into the
Lymph capillary: they begin blindly in the tissue space around the blood capillaries
LC collect lymph from tissue space
Afferent lymph vessels
Afferent lymph vessels
Collect lymph from lymph capillary
Adjacent lymph node
Many & located around
 the capsule of lymph node
Efferent lymph vessels
Collect lymph from lymph node
Drain lymph into terminal lymphatic ducts
One in number,
 lymph node through in
Terminal lymphatic duct : two in number

i) right lymphatic duct
Collect lymph from right side of head and neck, right upper limb & chest
Drain lymph into the venous system at the junction between right  internal jugular vein and rt subclavian vein
ii) thoracic duct
Collect lymph from whole body except right side of head and neck, right upper limb & chest
Drain lymph into the venous system at the junction between left internal jugular vein and left subclavian vein

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