Monday, October 10, 2016

Pharynx : short viva questions

1.       Define pharynx
2.       Tell the commencement and termination of pharynx
3.       What are the parts of pharynx
5.       Tell the lining epithelium of different parts of pharynx
6.       What are the layers of pharyngeal wall ?
7.       Mention the name of the muscles of pharynx
8.       Tell the sensory and motor nerve supply of pharynx
9.       Tell about the constrictor muscles arrangement and their insertion
10.   Tell the length of pharynx
11.   How pharyngeal plexus is formed ?
12.   Blood supply of pharynx
13.   What is carotid sinus? Tell its functions
15.   What is carotid body? Give its importance.
17.   Tell the extension of the naso pharynx
18.   Tell the features of the lateral wall of the pharynx
19.   What is the boundaries of piriform fossa ?
20.    Tell the boundaries and extension of orapharynx and laryngopharynx
21.   Tell the blood supply of the pharynx
22.   What is dysphagia ?
23.   Where nasolacrimal gland is open?
24.   Tell boundaries of tonsilar fossa
25.   What are the factors keep tonsil in position?
26.   Which structures lies on buccopharyngeal fascia 
Auditory tube : length , Part , extension, functions , lining epithelium and nerve supply( glossopharyngeal nerve)
27.  Soft palate : name of muscles, sensory and motor supply , why nerve supply of tensor tympani is defer from other muscles of soft palate, formation and functions of soft palate            
34.   What is waldeyer’s ring ? how it is formed ?

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