Sunday, October 23, 2016

Typical rib and 1st rib : short questions for oral examination

Ribs :  What is true rib, false rib, typical rib, atypical rib, floating ribs?  
Typical rib:

1.      Anatominal points of typical rib

a) Anterior end bear a cup shaped depression lies away from the median plane and lies below the posterior end 
b) Postrior  end bear head neck & tubercle lies near to median plane and above the anterior end
c) Costal groove lies inferiorly
2.      Parts of typical rib
3.      Show the attachment of external intercostals, internal intercostals and intercostalis intimi
4.      Mention the Content of costal groove
5.      How spinal nerve is formed ?
6.      What do you mean by intercostals nerve : they are ventral rami of upper 11 thoracic spinal nerves
7.      Ossification of ribs : intracartilaginous
8.      Morphological types of bone: flat bone.
9.      Joint : costocondral jt : type : primary cartilaginous jt (temporary jt , it is converted into bone)
10.  Costovertebral jt: sup costovertebral jt articulate with ……………..vertebra and  Inf costovertebral jt articulate with …………vertebra

11.  costotransverse jt :Type:  plane variety of synovial jt
 1st rib:
1.      Anatomical point with side determination
2.      Why it is atypical: no twist, no costal groove,........................
3.      External features:
4.      Superior surface: two grooves present: what are the  structures related to these grooves?
5.      Attachment of scalenus ant, subclavius and scalenus medius muscle
6.      Attachment of inf surface:
7.      Attachment of inner border: supra-pleural membrane (define, bony attachement of suprapleural membrane, functions)  
8.      Attachment of outer border: serratus ant 
9.      Ossification: intracartilaginous
10.  Morphological types of bone: flat bone.
11.  Joints: costochondral : primary cartilaginous jt
12.  costotransver jt and costovertebral jt : plane variety of synovial jt
13.  anterior relation of neck:  sympathelic trunk, sup intercostal a...........................................etc 

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