Friday, November 11, 2016

Summary of sympathetic nervous system

Sympathetic nervous system is the part of autonomic nervous system .

Functionally Nervous system can be divided into two part
somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system .
Sympathetic system is the part of autonomic nervous system

•Like somatic nervous system autonomic nervous system has two parts Motor part of autonomic system innervate smooth muscle, cardiac muscles  and most of the glands of the body
Sensory part of autonomic system carry sensory impulse from viscera to the brain . Sensory parts of autonomic system usually ran along the sensory system of somatic system so we often perceive visceral pain in the body wall .

short description of sympathetic nervous system

Sympathetic nervous system
Out flow
it is also known as thoraco lumbar outflow T1 to L 2
Pre ganglionic fibres
Post ganglionic fibres
Para vertebral sympathetic ganglia  is away from the target organ
Location of pre-ganglionic neuron
       Lateral horn cells of all thoracic segments and upper two or three lumbar segments of spinal cord

Location of post-ganglionic neuron
       Lateral: sympathetic trunk
       Collateral : coeliac, superior mesenteric ganglia
       Terminal ganglia: supra-renal medulla

This system activate during emergency and works during stress and strain for fight or flight

Liberates non adrenaline at postganglionic ending except eccrine type of sweat glands and most of the blood vessels of skeletal muscle

This system is not essential for to life
Urinary bladder
It is the nerve of filling
It contract (close) urethral sphincter and relax detrusor muscles
Cardiac muscles cells : increase force of contraction
Coronary vessels :  vasodilator ( so supply of nutrition and oxygen increase in cardiac muscle cells  )
Bronchodilator / Trachealis muscles relax so diameter of trachea increase
Decrease secretion of tracheal glands
Gastric musculature (smooth muscle cells ) is relax  but smooth muscle cells at the pyloric sphincter is contract (closer of pyloric sphincter )
Small gut
Inhibit peristalsis
Vasoconstriction (vaso motor)
Summary : effect
       Produce mass reaction
       Cutaneous blood vessels undergo vasoconstriction but, skeletal and coronary vessels are dilated thus supplying more blood to the muscles, heart, brain. Heart rate is increased, blood pressure and blood sugar are elevated , pupil and bronchi are dilated. Intestinal peristalsis is suppressed and the sphincters of gut are closed.

Pupil dilates
Uterine contraction
Salivary glands
Gastric glands
Adrenal glands
Vessels of Skeletal muscle
Sweat gland
Convey most of the visceral pain except pelvic organ

Cells of origin of afferents fibres
Dorsal root ganglia of T 1 to L1/L2
Central control
Posterior part of hypothalamus

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