Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Terminology related with general embryology

Terminology related to general embryology
Gestational period: The whole gestation period is subdivided into three stages:
a)       Germinal period : it extends from 1st to 3rd week of development
b)       Embryonic period : it extends from the 4th to 8th week
c)       Foetal period: it extends from the third month up to termination of pregnancy  
Oocyte: the female germ or sex cell produced in the ovaries
Sperm: the male germ cell produced in the testes.
Blastocyst : after the morula enters the uterus from the uterine tube , a fluid filled cavity –  the blastocyst cavity –develops inside it . This change converts the morula into a blastocytes
Implantation: the process during which the blastocyst attaches to the endometrium and subsequently embeds in it. It occurs at 6 days after fertilization.
Gastrulation : formation of three layered embryonic germ disc
Embryo:   the developing human during its early stages of development. It extends to the end of the eighth week
Conceptus: the embryo and its adnexa or associated membranes
Fetus: after the embryonic period the developing human is called a fetus.
Gemetogenesis: it is the process of formation and development of male and female gametes
Zygote: Definition:this cell formed by the union of an oocyte and a sperm during fertilization
Cleavage: is a series of mitotic divisions that results in an increase in cells, blastomeres, which become smaller with each division.
Morula : the 12-16 cell stage of the early embryo at 3 days post conception
Menopause: the permanent cessation of the menses

Length of the pregnancy: from 1st day of last menstrual period: 280 days or 40 weeks
                                            After fertilization: 266 days or 38 weeks
Embryonic period /period of organogenesis: most major organ and organs systems are formed during the third to eighth weeks and this period is called embryonic period or period of organogenesis.
Growth: means increase in bulk which takes place by cells division, increasing cell size or increased accumulation of intercellular substance
Differentiation: is a complicated process in which groups of cells assume special characteristics and functions
Totipotent cells: are able to produce a separate embryo under favorable conditions
Pluripotent cells: are groups of cells which produce specific type of tissue

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