Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Falciform ligament: easy and brief description

Falciform ligament
It is a false ligament which is formed by peritoneal fold. It has two limb right and left. The right limb runs laterally and is continuous with the upper layer of coronary ligament. Left limb of falciform ligament goes medially and continued as anterior layer of left triangular ligament.
It has three parts:  
1)   Convex part:  is attached with the diaphragm and anterior abdominal wall
2)   Concave part:  is attached with anterior and superior surface of liver and divide the liver into right and left lobe
3)   Free part: extend from inferior border of liver to umbilicus and contain ligamentum teres (round)  hepatis . it represents the obliterated left umbilical vein . in fetal life left umbilical vein open into the left portal vein . it is suppose to be obliterated in adult life but frequently remain partially patent. Sometime lumen may open up in condition such as portal hypertension to form a collateral channel.
Relation :
Falciform ligament is related with right rectus abdominis muscle. It is divided into right and left subphrenic compartments. It is often divided in abdominal surgery for access to upper abdominal viscera. It is use as landmark to identify segment IV,III &II. In ultrasonography it is visualized as echogenic structure so it also help in sonography to localized any lesion .  
Blood supply of falciform ligament:
It is supplied by segmental IV artery and it makes anastomosis with branch of internal thoracic artery
Functions of falciform ligament:

The primary function of this ligament is to hold the liver in position. it is one of the anatomical structures which link to the rectus abdominis muscle and the diaphragm wall and prevent the liver from falling out of place. 

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