Thursday, August 10, 2017

Glands in general : easy and brief description

Definition: glands are specialized epithelium which are formed by proliferation of epithelium into the underlying tissues
Parts of a gland:
Parenchyma: glandular portion which responsible for secretion
Stroma: it is the supporting portion of a gland which is formed by connective tissue
Classification of glandular epithelium
 According to presence or absence of duct: glands are two types: exocrine gland (gland with duct) and endocrine gland (gland without duct)
According to the mode of secretion :gland are three types
         Merocrine: secretory granules leave the cell by exocytosis.  exm: pancreatic acinar cells secretion
         Apocrine: secretion discharge with parts of apical cytoplasm. exm: lactating mammary glands   
         Holocrine: secretory product is shed with the whole cell. exm: sebaceous gland                       
According the nature of secretion : glands are three types
         Mucous : viscous secretin. exm: goblet cells
         Serous: thin secretion. exm: parotid gland contain only serous acini
         Seromucous: exm: submandibular glands
Distribution of different types of exocrine glands:
 According to the number of cells. Exocrine glands are two types
1) Uni-cellular: goblet cells
2) Multi-cellular: they are two types’ simple (single duct) and compound (more than one duct)
Simple (single duct)
Compound (more than one duct)
Simple tubular: G.Of L.intestine
Simple acinar: G.Of penile part of urethra
Simple coiled tubular : Sweat gland
Simple bran. Acinar: Sebaceous gland
Simple bran. Tubular: G of pylorus
Com. Bra. Tubular: Brunner’s gland
Com. Acinaer g: pancreas
Com. Tubuloacinar: Submandibular gland

Distribution of different types of endocrine glands:
Cord or clump type: ex: Adrenal glands
Follicular type: ex: Thyroid

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