Saturday, June 30, 2018

Sphenoid: easy and brief discussion

Parts of sphenoid :
1.     Body
2.     Lesser wings
3.     Greater wings
4.     Pterygoid processes
Body of sphenoid

Body of sphenoid has 6 surfaces

Superior surface of body of sphenoid
Identify following structures
From before backward
1.     Ethmoidal spine
2.     Jugum sphenoidale
3.     Sulcus chiasmatis
4.     Tuberculum sellae
5.     Sella turcica
6.     Middle clinoid processes
7.     Clivus 

Indentify following structure on the anterior  surface of body of sphenoid
1.     Sphenoidal crest
2.     Shenoidal air sinuses
Identify following foramen / fissure of sphenoid
1.     Superior orbital fissure
2.     Optic canal
3.     Foramen rotundum
4.     Foramen ovale
5.     Foramen spinosum 

Sphenoid bone articulate with following bone
1.     Ethmoid
2.     Frontal
3.     Parietal
4.     Petrous and squamous part of temporal bone
5.     Palatine bone
6.     Occipical bone 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Maxilla : easy and brief discussion

Maxilla :
      2nd largest bone of face
      2 maxillae forms whole of upper jaw
      Each maxilla contributes in formation of
1.      Face
2.      Nose
3.      Mouth
4.      Orbit
5.      Infra-temporal fossa
6.      Pterygopalatine fossa
      Each maxilla has
      A body
      4 processes
1.      Frontal
2.      Zygomatic
3.      Alveolar
4.      Palatine
      Body of maxilla
      Shape pyramidal
      It has
      Base directed at nasal surface
      Apex directed laterally at zygomatic process
      4 surfaces
1.      Superior / orbital
2.      Anterior / facial
3.      Posterior / infratemporal
4.      Medial /nasal
      Encloses a cavity  maxillary sinus 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Epiploic foramen

Epiploic foramen:

      The omental foramen /epiploic foramen/ foramen of Winslow:  is the passage of communication, or foramen, between the greater sac  and the lesser sac of peritoneal cavity 
Boundary :


      Anteriorly : the free border of the lesser omentum, also known as the hepatoduodenal ligament.
       Hepatoduodenal ligament has two layers and following structures present within
       these layers antero posteriorly :
1.      the common bile duct,
2.      hepatic artery, and
3.      portal vein.
      A useful mnemonic to remember these is DAVE:
Antero posteriorly
1. bile Duct,
2. hepatic Artery,
3. portal Vein,
4. Epiploic foramen.

      Posteriorly : inferior vena cava

      Superiorly : caudate process of caudate lobe of liver
      Inferiorly : 1st part of duodenum 
 Summary of boundary of epiploic foramen