Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Epiploic foramen

Epiploic foramen:

      The omental foramen /epiploic foramen/ foramen of Winslow:  is the passage of communication, or foramen, between the greater sac  and the lesser sac of peritoneal cavity 
Boundary :


      Anteriorly : the free border of the lesser omentum, also known as the hepatoduodenal ligament.
       Hepatoduodenal ligament has two layers and following structures present within
       these layers antero posteriorly :
1.      the common bile duct,
2.      hepatic artery, and
3.      portal vein.
      A useful mnemonic to remember these is DAVE:
Antero posteriorly
1. bile Duct,
2. hepatic Artery,
3. portal Vein,
4. Epiploic foramen.

      Posteriorly : inferior vena cava

      Superiorly : caudate process of caudate lobe of liver
      Inferiorly : 1st part of duodenum 
 Summary of boundary of epiploic foramen

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