Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Histology of vagina

Histology of vagina
The vagina is a fibromuscular tube that joins internal reproductive organs to the external environment . it extends from cervix of uterus to vestibule- the area between two labia minora . i
In a vargin the opening of vagina is surrounded by hymen – folds of muscous membrane, it is the remnant which derived from endodermal membrane
and it is the organ of copulation , it passage fetus during labour .
Histologically it has three  layers from inside to outside.
1.      Mucosa :
a)      Lining epithelium : non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. Keratohyaline granules may be present in the epithelial cells
b)     Lamina propria : this layer composed of fibro-elastic connective tissue
which contain numerous blood vessels , it is the unique feature of vagina .
Vagina has no muscularis mucosa and submucosa
2.      Muscle layer : organized into two indistinct layers : outer longitudinal and inner circular . the outer longitudinal layer continuous with the corresponding layer of the uterus and much thicker than the inner layer . bulbospongiosus the skeletal muscle is present near the opening of vagina.
3.      Adventitia : it has two layers 

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