Saturday, March 30, 2019

Epithelial tissue : SAQs 1st prof MBBS examination new curriculum of Bangladesh

Epithelial tissue
1.      Define tissue. classify the epithelia with example
2.      Classify covering epithelium with example.
3.      write characteristic of epitheal tissue
4.      writes notes on simple epithelia
5.      draw and label –pseudostratifies ciliated columnar epithelium, transitional epithelium and keratinized and non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
6.      difference between epithelium and connective tissue
7.      Classify glands according to the cellular arrangement with examples.
8.      Define exocrine gland. Give the structures of an exocrine glands
9.      What do you mean by stroma and parenchyma of a gland ? Classify exocrine gland according to the mode of secretion?
10.  Classify gland. write structure of an exocrine gland
11.  Classify gland according to cellular arrangements with examples.
12.  Write about the surface modification of the epithelia.
13.  mention the characteristic features of transitional epithelium
14.  write about surface modification of epithelium

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