Saturday, March 30, 2019

General embryology : SAQs 1st prof MBBS examination new curriculum of Bangladesh

General embryology:
  1. Define the fertilization. What are the effects of fertilization? Write the different stages of fertilization. Name the barriers crossed by the spermatozoa during fertilization. Mention the result of fertilization.
  2. Define the ovulation.
  3. Write the sources of the development of placenta and mention the functions of the placenta.
  4. give the structures of the chorionic plate presenting on the foetal part of the placenta
  5. Give the structures and functions of full term placenta.
  6.  Give the layers of placental barriers. Mention in short the developmental stages of the placental villi.
  7. SN: trisomy-21
  8. Define implantation. Write about the normal and abnormal sites of implantation
  9.  What do you mean by ontogeny and phylogeny? “Ontogeny repeats phylogeny” explain it.
  10. How neural crest is formed? mention the neural crest derivatives
  11. Define the neurulation. How neural tube is formed? write the neural tube defects
  12. Define the gastrulation. Mntion the five derivatives of each of primary germ layers. rite the role of primitive streak for the formation of gastrulation .
  13. How the intermaxillary segment is formed? Mention its different components and structures derived from each component.
  14. difference between acrosomal reaction and zona reaction
  15. Mention the fate of 4th aortic arch . What is vasculogenesis and angiogenesis?
  16. Define spermatogenesis .name the stage of spermatogenesis. Name the changes occurring in the germ cell during spermiogenesis.
  17. What is teratogenesis? Mention the principles of teratogenesis.
  18. Classify teratogens with examples. What do you mean by twinning?
  19. what do you mean by i) organizer ii) inductor iii) draw and label a graafian follicle
  20. What is growth? Mention its different types with examples. What do you mean by totipotent and pluripotent cell
  21. Write the formation, function and fate of the notochord.
  22. Draw and label a blastocyst.
  23. Give the structures of placental barriers
  24. Define capacitation. Mention normal and abnormal sites of implantation. What is placenta praevia?

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