Saturday, March 30, 2019

Male reproductive organ:SAQs 1st prof MBBS examination new curriculum of Bangladesh

Male reproductive organ:
Write about the prostate. Mention the clinical importance of it.
SN: spermatic cord
Draw and label longitudinal section of testes. Give its histological structures of testes. What is cryptorchism? Write the development of the testes.
Draw and label transverse section of seminiferous tubules
Why and how testis descent during fetal life. Mention the ectopic site of the testis.
What do you mean by guberniculum testis. Name the factors responsible for descent of testis.
Name the genital organ of the male? Give the layers and nerve supply of the scrotum. 
Give flow chart tracing the pathway of spermatozoa from its site of production upto site of fertilization with ova.
What are the different parts of penis? Mention blood and nerve supply of  it.

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