Saturday, March 30, 2019

Superior Extremity: SAQs 1st prof MBBS examination new curriculum of Bangladesh

Superior Extremity
  1. Special features of upper  limb:
1.      Draw & level brachial plexus. What do you mean by prefixed & post fixed type of brachial plexus?
2.      Boundary & content of axilla. Mention boundaries of anterior wall of axilla.
3.      Draw level showing roots, trunk & cords of brachial plexus.
4.      Clinical importance of axilla.
5.      Give the supraclavicular branches of brachial plexus.
6.      What is axilla?
7.      Discuss briefly the axilla
8.      Name component of breast give lymphatic drainage of female breast with clinical importance.
9.      Name axillry group lymphnodes.
10.  Give the step of dissection of cubital fossa. Boundary & content of cubital fossa
11.  Short note clavi pectoral fascia.
12.  Arrangement of axillary node.
13.  How carpal tunnel is formed? Name the structures passing through it.
14.  Give the compartment of the palm. Discuss about mid-palmar space.
Blood supply and lymphatic drainage
  1. Draw anastomoses of elbow joint.
  2. Classify anastomoses with significance.
  3. What is lymph?
  4. give the commencement, termination and clinical importance of radial artery
  5. formation, course and clinical importance of radial artery
1.       What in dermatome? Draw & level dermatome of upper limb. Draw and label dermatome of anterior aspect of the upper limb
2.            Draw and label brachial plexus. What do you mean by prefixed and post fixed type of Brachial     plexus.
3.            Give formation and distribution of axillary nerve.
4.            formation, course and clinical importance of ulnar nerve
5.            Give the formation and a short description of branches of Radial nerve.
1.                                                                                    Give the origin, insertion nerve supply and action of the following muscles
                                                        i) flexor digitorum superficialis ii) biceps brachii iii) triceps brachii iv) Deltoid
2.                                                                                    Name the muscles of the arm. Mention insertion, action and nerve supply of pectoralis major.
3.                                                                                    Mention short muscles (intrinsic) of hand. Classify them according their nerve supply & action.
4.                                                                                    Name the muscles present in the flexor compartments of the forearm with their nerve supply. How flexor retinaculum is formed?
5.                                                                                    Give the origin, insertion and nerve supply of muscles responsible for supination of fore-arm.
6.                                                                                    Name the muscles of the back of the fore arm. Give their nerve supply and actions. 
7.                                                                                    Name the muscles of the arm.
Joint and movement:
1.            Define supination & pronation.
2.            How shoulder joint is formed? Name the important ligaments of this joint. Write the mechanism of abduction.
3.            write a note on rotator cuff
4.            How wrist joint is formed? Mention the type of this joint. Name movement and muscles responsible for the different movement of the wrist joint.
5.            Give the formation and important ligaments of radio-carpal joint. Discuss about radio-carpal and inter carpal movements.
6.            What is abduction? Write the mechanism of abduction of shoulder joint.
Clinical anatomy:
1. What is claw hand?
2. Short notes: carpal tunnel syndrome
3. How rotator cuff is formed? Give its importance.
4. Wrist drops
5. Clinical importance of the dermatome.
6. What is the importance of the median cubital vein?

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