Sunday, March 24, 2019

Thoracic Wall, thoracic cavity : must know SAQs

Thoracic Wall, thoracic cavity

  1. Give the skeletal boundary of thoracic cage. Write content of thoracic cavity
  2. Give the boundary of thoracic inlet. Discuss the name of structures passing through it.
  3. Give the  boundary of thoracic outlet. Which structure cover the outlet?
  4. What do you mean by typical intercostals space? Discuss blood and nerve supply of it
  5. What do you mean by intercostals nerve ?
  6. Discuss the difference between spinal nerve and intercostals nerve
  7. Mention the name of intercostal muscles with origin, insertion & nerve supply
  8. What do you mean by innermost intercostalis?
  9. Identify sternal angle and write importance of sternal angle.
  10. Joint: sternocondal jt & costochondal jt formation & type.
  11. What do you mean by i) True ribs ii) False rib iii) Floating ribs
  12. How can you inserting a chest tube without damaging intercostal vessels and nerves?
  13. A needle inserted into the 9th intercostal space along the midaxillary line would enter which space?
  14. Discuss branches of subclavian artery, intercostals artery , descending thoracic aorta
  15. Which  line of the thorax is formed by the pectoralis major muscle
  16. Give posterior relation of sternum and intercostals groove
  17. Give relation of superior surface of 1st rib

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