Monday, September 23, 2019

Distribution of deep fascia

Deep fascia
Definition: Deep fascia is a fascia, a layer of dense irregular connective tissue that wraps the neck, the limbs and body wall like a bandage or stocking 
It covers muscles, nerves, bone and blood vessel.
Important features of deep fascia:
·         It is devoid of fat
·         It is inelastic and tough
·         It has nerve supply and very sensitive structure.
·         It is a golden rule that when fascia approaches bone it becomes attached to it , blending with the covering periosteum

Distribution of deep fascia

Very well developed: 
1.       iliotibial tract of fascia lata
2.       palmar and planter aponeurosis
3.       flexor and extensor retinaculum
Well developed:
  • In the limbs,  it forms tough &  tight sleeves
  •  In the neck, it forms a collar.
So thin usually considered as absent:
·         Over the rectus sheath of abdomen
·         Over the trunk  except thoracolumbar fascia at the back of thorax & abdomen
·         Face except  parotid fascia
·         Ischioanal fascia

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