Sunday, April 5, 2020

Short note on right coronary artery

Short note on right coronary artery 

Aortic sinus : It arises from anterior aortic sinus of ascending aorta
Size : Smaller than the left coronary artery
1.       It passes forwards and to right between the pulmonary trunk and right auricle
2.       Then it passes along the anterior right part of atrioventricular groove
3.       Then it crosses the inferior border
4.       Then it passes downwards and to the left along the posterior part of atrioventricular groove
5.       Then it reaches crux of the heart
6.       Then it descend through the posterior interventricular groove
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  1. Right conus artery: it is the first branch of right coronary artery. It supplies anterior surface of the pulmonary conus (infundibulum of right ventricle)  
  2. Arterial branches : they supply the atria . one of the atrial branch – the artery of sinuatrial node also known as sinuatrial nodal artery supply the SA node in 60% cases.In 40% of individuals it arises from the left coronary artery
  3. Right marginal artery : or The right marginal branch of right coronary artery is a large marginal branch which follows the acute margin(inferior border )  of the heart and supplies blood to both surfaces of the right ventricle.
  4. Anterior ventricular branches:they are two or three in number and supply the anterior surface of the right ventricle  
  5. Posterior ventricular branches or  Posterior interventricular artery: it runs in the posterior interventricular groove upto the apex . it supply the posterior 1/3 of interventricular septum , AV node in 60% of the cases , parts of right and left ventricle

It supplies
1.       whole of right atrium
2.       most of the right ventricle except a strip along the anterior interventricular septum
3.       posterior inferior one third of ventricular septum
4.       S.A. node  and A.V. node in the majority (60%) of subjects
Coronary dominance
90% individuals are right coronary dominance. it means ventricular septum is supply by both right and left coronary artery.
posterior inferior part of 1/3 of ventricular septum is  supply by posterior interventricular branch of right coronary artery
anterior superior part of 2/3 of ventricular septum is supply by anterior interventricular branch of left coronary artery 

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