Friday, April 10, 2020

Summary of pronator quadratus

Summary of pronator quadratus 

From the oblique ridge on the lower one fourth of the anterior surface of the shaft of ulna and medial part of this surface
The superficial fibres into the distal one fourth of the anterior border and anterior of the shaft of radias
The deep fibres into the triangular area above the ulnar notch of the radius
Nerve supply
Anterior interosseous nerve a branch of median nerve
When pronator quadratus contracts, it pulls the lateral side of the radius towards the ulna, thus pronating the hand. Its deep fibers serve to keep the two bones in the forearm bound together. This  muscle can be absent in some humans, however, that does not affect the action of pronation very
Shape of muscle
Square shaped
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Important relation
It crosses the front of the distal parts of radius and ulna
Median nerve
The median nerve situated deep to the pronator quadrates
Direction of muscle
Muscle situated horizontally at the lower part of forearm
Variation: Absent in some individual 

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