Thursday, September 17, 2020

Summary of Turner’s syndrome


Turner’s syndrome


This syndrome is caused by the lack of sex chromosome (XO instead of XX).

Genetic disorder

It is a numerical genetic disorder also call monosomy


Monosomy of sex chromosome (2n-1), here only one X chromosome, is present in females.

Chromosomal complement in somatic cell



Affected individuals are phenotypically female


1 in 2500 phenotypic females.


Lymphedema, underweight and swelling or thickness of the neck.they have  underdeveloped breasts, uterus, vulva or vagina,but ovaries are not developed, so primary amenorrhea occurs, associated dysfunctions are hearing impairment, cardiovascular dysfunctions, shield chest with pin-point nipples, low set ear, bilateral cubital valgus, coarctation of aorta, and other congenital anomalies. 


Short stature

Gonadal sex

Are absent


Turner syndrome is not related to advanced maternal age; and in fact, is more likely due to instability of the Y chromosome leading to its loss during male meiosis since 75–80% of X chromosomes in TS patients are maternal in origin.

Cause of genetic disorder

Nondisjunction, anaphase lag

Barr body

Female  but barr body is absent due to absence of one  X chromosome


There is no cure for Turner syndrome. It is commonly treated with replacement therapy including estrogen and growth hormones.


Ovaries are not developed


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