Saturday, March 13, 2021

Articulated skeleton of hand: viva questions

Articulated skeleton of hand

Anatomical points

Carpal bones lies above

Concavity of articulated skeleton of hand directed forward

1st metacarpal bone short and shout lies laterally

Identification of carpal bone : proximal, scaphoid, lunate, triquetral and pisiform and distal row: trapezoid , trapezium capitates hamete 

Which carpal bone is largest : capitates

Scaphoid : boat shape

Lunate : half moon shape  

Morphological types of carpal bone : all bones are short bone except pisiform  

Why carpal bones are  known as short bone?

they have six surfaces, Carpal bones ossify from one primary ossification centre

but no secondary ossification centre

Usually primary ossification center develops before birth

 but primary ossification center of carpal bone develops after birth.

Each year of life one carpal bone develops Ex: 1 years age children has one carpal bone ,

 three years old contain three carpal bones and 7 years old contain 7 carpal bones

Pisiform is a sesamoid bone:  form within the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris,

Mention some features of sesamoid bone 

Morphological type of metacarpal and phalanges bones: miniature long bone

Why do you mean by  miniature long bone : because they have one epiphysis (only one secondary ossification center)  and one primary ossification center for shaft

 1st metacarpal bone has one primary ossification center for shaft and one 2nd ossification centre (epiphyses) for base

2nd to 5th metacarpal bones, each  has one primary ossification center for shaft and one epiphysis ( 2nd ossification centre ) for head  (metacarpal)

Attachment of flexor retinaculum : (which form carpal tunnel)

·         Laterally : tubercle of scaphoid, crest of trapezius

·         Medially: pisiform, tip of hook of hamate

q. What are the structures passage through  the carpal tunnel :

Ten structures pass through the carpal tunnel, most of them flexor tendons (not the muscles themselves):

·         flexor digitorum profundus (four tendons)

·         flexor digitorum superficialis (four tendons)

·         flexor pollicis longus (one tendon)

1.      What are the structures passage above the carpal tunnel or flexor retinaculum

The ulnar artery and ulnar nerve, and the cutaneous branches of the median 

and ulnar nerves, pass on top of the flexor retinaculum.

2.      What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

3.                                    Attachment of FD superficialis :four tendon of FDS inserted  two side of base of 

middle phalages (medial four digit)

Attachment of FD Profundus : 1st four tendon of FDP passage through the tendon of FDS 

and then it inserted to base of the distal phalages for medial four digit 

Identify the joints of articulated skeleton of hand and their types:




1st carpometacarpal joint

Saddle variety of synovial joint

2nd to 5th carpometacarpal joint

Ellipsoid variety of synovial joint

Intercarpal joint

Plane variety of synovial joint

Interphalangeal joint

Hinge variety of synovial joint

Metacarpophalangeal joint

Condylar variety of synovial joint

Inter metacarpal joint

Plane variety of synovial joint


Movement of 2nd to 5th metacarpophalangeal joint :

Adduction of fingers : palmar interossei

Abduction of fingers : dorsal interossei

Flexion : interossei and lumbricals

Extension : extensor digitorum, extension indicis, extensor digiti minimi




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