Saturday, March 13, 2021

Bony pelvis: viva questions


Bony pelvis: viva questions

Anatomical points

1.      Anterior superior iliac spine and upper part of pubic symphysis lie in the same coronal  plane

2.      Pubis symphysis lies horizontally

3.      The tip of the coccyx and upper part of pubic symphysis lie in same horizontal plane

|Formation of pelvis : two hip bones, sacrum and coccyx

Joint of pelvis :

Pubic symphysis : secondary cartilaginous joint

Sacroiliac joint : plane variety of synovial joint

Divisions of pelvis : greater(false pelvis )  and lesser pelvis (true )

Why greater pelvis is known as false pelvis: it has no body boundary in front

Why lesser pelvis is known as true pelvis: it has complete body boundary

Q. Trace the pelvic inlet and outlet

Q. Content of pelvis in male and female

Q: How pelvic outlet is covered in living body ?

In front by urogenital diaphragm and behind pelvic diaphragm

Q: What is urogenital diaphragm :

 It is formed by deep transverse perinea muscle and sphincter urethrae muscle

Q: What is pelvic diaphragm

It is formed by levator ani and coccygeus muscle

Show the Diameters of pelvis :

Pelvic inlet


Antero-posterior diameter

Transverse diameter:

Oblique diameter:

Pelvic inlet

Measured between sacral promontory and symphysis pubis

Upper border of pubic symphysis:  True or Anatomical conjugate

Middle of pubic symphysis:  Obstetric conjugate (most important)

Lower border of pubic symphysis: Diagonal conjugate

Maximum transverse diameter


Measured between the sacro-iliac (SI) joint and opposite ilio-pubic eminence

Pelvic cavity

Middle of S3 vertebra to the middle of the back of pubic symphysis

Widest distance across the lateral bony wall of the pelvic cavity

From the lower end of sacroiliac joint to the center of the opposite obturator membrane

Pelvic outlet

Antero-posterior diameters: From the lower border of symphysis pubis to –

Anatomical: tip of coccyx

Obstetric: tip of sacrum

Transverse diameters:

diameter: between 2 ischial tuberosities


From the junction of the ischiopubic ramus to the middle of the opposite sacrotuberous ligament


Diameter of female pelvis


Antero-posterior diameter

Transverse diameter:

Oblique diameter:

Pelvic inlet

11 cm



Pelvic cavity




Pelvic outlet




Diameter of different conjugate of  female   :

·         True or Anatomical conjugate: 11 cm

·         Obstetric conjugate (most important): 0.5 cm shorter than the true conjugate

·         Diagonal conjugate: 11.5 cm

Shape of pelvis

1.      Gynecoid (50%) – normal female pelvis

2.      Anthropoid (25%) – direct occipito-posterior position is most common in anthropoid pelvis

3.      Android (20%) – male type (face to pubes delivery, persistent occipito-posterior position, deep transverse arrest/non-rotation, dystocia-dystrophica syndrome are most common in android pelvis)

4.      Platypelloid (5%)

Difference between male and female pelvis





Shape of pelvic inlet

Heart shape


shape of pelvic caviy

conical and long ( long section of a cone)

short and cylindrical ( short section of a cylinder)

sub pubic angle

less , 55-60 degree

More, about  90 degree

ischial spine




longer and narrower

shorter and wider

Obturator foramen

Larger and oval and abruptly curve

Smaller and triangular, gradually curved 



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