Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Lecture note: gastroschisis


Gastroschisis Ventral body wall defect resulting from a lack of closure of the lateral body wall folds in the abdominal region resulting in protrusion of intestines and sometimes other organs through the defect.

It occurs lateral to the umbilicus usually on the right

Cause : abnormal closure of body wall around the connecting stalk

Content:  intestines, other organs including the stomach and liver  protruded, which  are not covered by peritoneum or amnion

Out come : the bowel may be damaged by  exposure to amniotic fluid

Diagnosis : like omphalocele it can be diagnosed later part of pregnancy by ultrasound

Incidence : 1/10000 birth but is increasing in frequency especially among young women <20 years old.

It is not associate with chromosomal abnormality or other birth defect like omphalocele so the survival rate is excellent

Death usually occurs due to volvulus formation (rotation of bowel ) resulting in compromised blood supply may kill large regions of the  intestine and lead to fetal death . 


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