Saturday, March 13, 2021

Summary of Mixed cranial nerves

Summary of Mixed cranial nerves: (V, VII, IX, X)

·         Trigeminal nerve,

·         Facial,

·         Glossopharyngeal,

·         Vagus 

Trigeminal nerve (V)

It has three parts






Nucleus of trigeminal nerve

Ophthalmic nerve

sensory nerve


Superior orbital fissure

Carry sensation from Upper part of face

Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve

Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve

Main sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve and

 mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve


Maxillary nerve

sensory nerve


Foramen Rotundum

Carry sensation from Middle part of face

mandibular nerve

Mixed : both sensory and motor

Foramen ovale

Sensory : Lower part of face & general sensation from the ant 2/3 of tongue

Motor : muscles of mastication, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatine


Facial nerve (VII) Functions (in short):

Sensory function: carry taste sensation from ant 2/3 of tongue

Motor function: motor innervation of muscles of facial expression

Secretomotor function: innervate lacrimal gland through pterygopalatine ganglion 

Glossopharyngeal nerve functions(IX) (in short):

Sensory function: carry taste sensation and general sensation from pos 1/3 of tongue 

Motor function: innervate stylopharyngeus muscle

Secretomotor function: innervations of parotid gland through otic ganglion

Vagus nerve(x) function in short :

Sensory function: carry taste sensation from post most part of tongue, carry sensation from larynx, external ear

Motor innervations: muscles of larynx



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