Saturday, June 26, 2021

Summary of cavernous sinus


 The cavernous sinuses are placed one on either side of the body of the sphenoid bone, extending from the superior orbital fissure to the apex of the petrous portion of the temporal bone.

 Medial wall (central part) is related to –

  1. the internal carotid artery,
  2. abducent nerve.

Lateral wall : is related to

  1. the oculomotor
  2. trochlear nerves,
  3. the ophthalmic nerves
  4. maxillary divisions of the trigeminal nerve  

The cavernous sinus : tributaries :

  1. the superior ophthalmic vein
  2. superior and inferior  petrosal sinus
  3. pterygoid venous plexus veins
  4. The two sinuses also communicate with each other by means of the anterior and posterior intercavernous sinuses.

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