Sunday, July 11, 2021

Histological features of Loose connective tissue

Loose connective tissue also known as areolar tissue  is the most widespread CT of the body.

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 It is characterized by an abundance of ground substance, relatively few fibres and connective tissue cells .

The main cellular elements are fibroblasts and a smaller amount of adipocytes. Fat cells are a normal constituent of loose CT, but when they are abundant and organized into large lobules for storage purposes the tissue is better classified as adipose tissue. The adipocytes present in loose CT are generally isolated cells or small aggregations that do not function as storage depots, and their principle function is to facilitate gliding and to act as interstitial filler. The adipocytes of the loose CT usually do not increase in volume when individuals gain weight. Collagen is the principal fibre of loose CT and is arrayed in all directions to form a loose network in the intercellular material. Many elastic fibres are also present.

The loose CT has a viscous, gel-like consistency and its consistency may fluctuate in different parts of the body due to variations in temperature or pH. This CT allows gliding between the various muscles and organs and permits the diffusion of oxygen/nutrients from small vessels to the cells and the diffusion of metabolites back to the vessels. It is the initial site where antigens, bacteria and other agents that have breached an epithelial surface can be destroyed. It also forms a mesh-like tissue with a fluid matrix that supports the epithelia, such as the skin and other membranes. This CT fills the spaces between various organs and thus holds them in place while cushioning and protecting them; it also surrounds and supports the blood vessels.

A particular type of loose CT is the reticular tissue that contains only reticular fibres made of type III collagen. The reticular cells have a stellate shape and long processes that make contact with neighbouring cells, and the subsequent tissue supports a number of bodily structures, such as the liver, spleen, bone marrow and lymphatic organs.


Histological features of Loose connective tissue

1. connective tissue cells are numerous

2. fibers are less and loosely arranged 

Example : lamina propria of GIT


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