Monday, July 5, 2021

Surface anatomy of heart

Surface anatomy of heart

1Apex of the   Heart

It is situated in the left 5th intercostal space just medial to midclavicalar   line.

Related questions:  How it is formed?

Ans: It is formed by only left ventricle of the heart.

2.     Right   border of the Heart

1st point: On   the upper border   of the right 3rd costal cartilage about 2.5 cm from the median   plane.

2nd point: on   the right 6th costal cartilage about 2.5 cm from the median plane

Join these two points by a convex line towards the right.

SN: (The maximum convexity of which lies at a distance of 3.25am from the median plane in the 4th intercostal space.)

Related questions:

How it is formed?  Ans: it is formed by right atrium

3. Left Border of Heart

1) 1st    Point – On the lower border of the left 2nd costal cartilage about 2.5 cm from the median plane.

2) 2nd   point- At the apex beat left 5th intercostal space just medial to mid-clavicular line Join   these two points by line with convexity directed upwards and to the left.

Related questions:

How it is formed? Ans: it is formed by left ventricle of the heart

4. Lower border of the Heart

1st point: on   the right 6th costal cartilage about 2.5 cm from the median plane

2nd   point-At the apex beat left 5th intercostal space just medial to mid-clavicular line

Join these two points with slight notch to the right of the apex of the heart.

Inferior border passes through the xiphisternal junction

 Related questions: How it is formed? Ans: it is formed by mostly by right ventricle and partly by left ventricle

5. Upper border of the Heart

1st point: On   the upper border   of the right 3rd costal cartilage about 2.5 cm from the median   plane.

2nd point: On the lower border of the left 2nd costal cartilage about 2.5 cm from the median plane.

Join these points.

Related questions: How it is formed? Ans: 1/3 of right atrium and 2/3 of left atrium are formed this border

6. Arch of the Aorta

1) 1st point –On the right end of the   sternal angle.

2) 2nd point –On the   centre of the manubrium   sterni

3)3rd point- sternal end of left 2nd costal cartilage 

Join the points by a curved line which represents the outer border of the arch of aorta; then the inner   border is drawn   below  &  paralled to it about 2.5 cm apart  .

Importance points :  It is the continuation of ascending aorta and It is continued as descending thoracic aorta

Related questions : What are the branches of arch of aorta?

  1. brachiocephalic artery/ trunk : right common carotid and right subclavian artery
  2. left common carotid artery
  3. left subclavian artery

What is the type of these arteries?  Ans : elastic artery.

Why they known as elastic artery? They contain large numbers of elastic lamina within the tunica media. 

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