Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Tibia viva voice questions and answer

Tibia viva voice questions and answers

1. Anatomical points 
a) . Anatomical Points.
it is the right/left tibia. It is the
medial bone of leg.
1) (For above and below): Upper end
is expanded and it bears two artic-
ular surlaces

2) (For medial and lateral): Medial
malleolus lies medially
3) (For anterior and posterior): Tibi-
al tuberosity lies anteriorly of tibia
Ans expanded  upper end , shaft and lower end with medial malleolus 
How many boeders and surfaces are present in shaft of tibia
1.Anterior border
2. ImterOsseous border
3. Medial border.
1. Medial surlace.
2. Lateral surface.
3.posterior border
4. Mention the attachment of intercondylar area
Anterior intercondylar area
From before backwards
1. Anterior horn of medíal menis
2. Lower end of anterior crucíate Hig
3. Anterior horn of lateral menis


B. Posterior Intercondylar Area.
From before backwards-

1) Posterior horn of lateral meniscus

2) Posterior horn of medial meniscus

3) Lower end of posterior cruciate

5. Tell the anterior relation of the low
er end of the tibia.
Ans. From medial to lateral
1) Tendon of tibialis anterior
2 Tendon of extensor hallucis longus
3. Anterior tibial vessels 
4. Deep peroneal nerve 
5.tendon of extensor digitorum longus 
6. Peroneus tertius 

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