Saturday, February 12, 2022

General somatic efferent: summarized lecture notes


General somatic efferent

General somatic efferent fibers carry motor impulses to somatic skeletal muscles.

GSE neurons innervate striated muscle of embryonic somite & limb buds origin

Nerves contain GSE functional components:

·         All Spinal nerves,

·         4 pure Motor Cranial nerves

1.      III (oculomotor ),

2.      IV(trochlear nerve ),

3.      VI (abducent nerve ), and

4.      XII (hypoglossal) carry these fibers.

General Somatic Efferent Nuclei

Spinal nerves :  The ventral horns of the spinal cord (lamina IX of Rexed ) contains somatic efferent neurons (motor neurons) arranged into clusters called motor nuclei. There are two groups of nuclei, medial and lateral .

Medial motor nuclei (column) extend the entire length of the spinal cord and contain motor neurons to the axial musculature

The larger lateral motor nuclei (columns)  of cervical and lumbosacral enlargements contain neurons to the musculature of upper and lower extremities. The alpha motor neurons of lateral nuclei are larger than the medial motor nuclei .

Cranial nerves :

1.      Oculomotor nucleus

2.      Trochlear nucleus

3.      Abducent nucleus

4.      Hypoglossal nucleus

Muscles supply by General somatic efferent

Spinal nerves:

Medial motor nuclei (unlabeled) innervate axial musculature and are present at all levels of spinal cord. Lateral motor nuclei (labeled below) innervate limb musculature and are found in cervical and lumbosacral enlargement segments.

In spinal nerve this functional components passes through the ventral roots, carrying motor impulses to skeletal muscle through a neuromuscular junction. As shown below, lateral motor nuclei are somatotopically organized. Proximal muscles are ventral; distal muscles are dorsal. Cranial muscles are lateral; caudal muscles are medial.

Cranial nerves

1.      Oculomotor nucleus: extra ocular muscles except superior oblique and lateral rectus

2.      Trochlear nucleus: superior oblique

3.      Abducent nucleus: lateral rectus muscle

4.      Hypoglossal nucleus: muscles of tongue






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