Monday, March 28, 2022

Anatomy of hip bone

 Anatomy of hip bone 

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part 1 

Anatomical points
general information 
ligaments of hip bone 

Anatomical points

1.       Pubic crest and ischial spine lies in same horizontal plane

2.       Anterior superior iliac spine and pubic tubercle lies in same coronal plane

3.       Pubis symphysis lies in the median place

4.       Acetabulum lies lateral

5.       Iliac crest lies above

Morphologically what type of bone it is?

Ans: irregular bone

What are the joints formed by this bone?

1.       Hip joint : ball & socket variety of synovial joint

2.       Pubic symphysis : 2nd cartilaginous joint

3.       Sacroiliac joint:  plane types of synovial joint

Parts of hip bone

1.       the ilium 

2.       ischium, and 

3.       pubis

How hip bone of children are look like?

 Ans: At birth, these three components are separated by hyaline cartilage. They join each other in a Y-shaped portion of cartilage (triradiate cartilages) in the acetabulum. By the end of puberty, the three regions will have fused together, and by the age 25 they will have ossified.

ossification : intracartilaginous 

it has 3 primary ossification centres for ilium, ischium and pubis 

and 8 secondary ossification centres, 

one for iliac crest 

one for anterior inferior iliac spine 

ischial tuberosity 

pubis symphysis 

Y shape cartilage 

hip bone of children : 

At birth, ilium, ischium, pubis are separated & joined by the y shaped epiphyseal plate (hyaline cartilage) located at the acetabulumBy the by the age 25,  ilium, ischium & pubis are ossified and fused together

ligaments of hip bone 

1.       It is an intra articular ligament  present within the joint cavity of hip joint

      It is lined by synovial membrane

      In the adult, functions  include :

1.      Stabilize hip joint

2.       distribution of synovial fluid

      congenital absence of the ligamentum teres may occur

         In the infant it has a significant role as it transmits a nutrient artery to the femoral head epiphysis

      Extension :  apex is attachd with the fovea capitis femoris and  base is attached  into the acetabular notch, and blends with the transverse ligament   


Y iliofemoral ligament 

sh   shape : Y shape 

      It can resist upto 350 kg weight

      Extension :

      From anterior inferior iliace spine & rim of acetabulum to intertrochanteric line of femur       Ischiofemoral ligament

      Shape: triangular band

      Location : the posterior side of the hip joint.

      Extension :start  from  ischium and posterior part of  acetabulum, then it blends with posterior end of the hip  joint  and come anteriorly and attached  at the intertrochanteric line of the femur deep to the iliofemoral ligament    

          Pubofemoral ligament

      Shape : triangular

      Location : inferior part of hip joint

      Extension : start from  the obturator crest & the superior ramus of the pubis;

      below, it is attached with intertrochanteric line the deep to the iliofemoral ligament. This ligament prevents hyper-abduction &  extension  of the hip joint.





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