Thursday, December 28, 2023

Differences between the electrical and chemical synapses.

 Differences between the electrical and chemical synapses.

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Chemical synapses

Electrical synapses

It is present in higher vertebrates.

It is present in both lower and higher vertebrates and invertebrates.

Nerve impulse is transmitted using a neurotransmitter.

Nerve impulse is transmitted using ions.

Unidirectional transmission.

Bi-directional transmission.

Gaps between cells are around 20 nm

Smaller gaps - only 3 - 5 nm

Transmission is relatively slow - several milliseconds.

Transmission is fast - almost instant.

Either inhibitory or excitatory.


Signal remains strong.

Signal will disappear over time.

Sensitive to pH and hypoxia.

Insensitive to pH and hypoxia.

Vulnerability to fatigue.

Relatively less vulnerable to fatigue.

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