Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Articulated skeleton of foot : viva examination


Articulated skeleton of foot

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1.       Ana points:

·         1st metatarsal is shortest and thickest and lies medially

·         Tarsal bones are lies posteriorly

·         Phalanges lie anteriorly

·         Superior surface of talus is directed upwards


2.       Morphological type : tarsal: short bone metatarsal and phalanges : miniature short bone (why call miniature short bone : because it has one epiphysis)

3.       Parts of metatarsal and phalanges bone : base,  shaft and head

4.       1st metatarsal and all phalanges : epiphysis present at the base

5.       2nd to 5th metatarsal : epiphysis present at the head

6.       Ossification  of Articulated skeleton of foot: intra cartilaginous ossification

7.         Identify tarsal bone

8.       Show attachment of following muscles with origin, action and nerve supply :

 tibialis ant and pos , peroneus longus and brevis, FHL,FDL,tendoachilis- how it is formed

1.       Show groove for FHL, peroneus longus


2.       Ligament :  deltoid and spring lig : show attachment on bones

 1.       Which tarsal bone devoid of muscular attachment: talus  

2.       Joints  of articulated sk of foot–( articular surfaces, type, movement and muscle producing the movement)

Ankle joint

Type: hinge variety of synovial joint

Innervation: sural, tibial, saphenous, deep peroneal  nerves
Muscles: tibialis anterior (dorsiflexion), gastrocnemius (plantar flexion)

Inferior (distal) tibial joint

Type : syndesmosis variety of fibrous joint

 Muscles: no muscles act on this joint

Talocalcaneal joint or subtalar joint

Type : plane type of synovial joint
Muscles: tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior, gastrocnemius, soleus (inversion); peroneus  longus, peroneus  tertius, peroneus  brevis (eversion)

Talocalcaneonavicular joint

Type: ball and socket type of synovial joint


tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior, gastrocnemius, soleus (inversion);

peroneus  longus, peroneus  tertius, peroneus  brevis (eversion)

Naviculocuneiform joint

Type : compound joint

Muscles: peroneus  longus,  peroneus  brevis (eversion) , tibialis anterior and posterior (gliding, rotation)

Calcaneocuboid joint

Type : saddle type of synovial joint

Muscles: tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior, gastrocnemius, soleus (inversion);

peroneus  longus, peroneus  tertius, peroneus  brevis (eversion)

Cuboideonavicular joint

Type : syndesmosis variety of fibrous joint

Muscles: fibularis longus and brevis, tibialis anterior and posterior (gliding, rotation)

Intercuneiform and cuneocuboid joints

Muscles: Muscles: fibularis longus and brevis, tibialis anterior and posterior (gliding, rotation)

Tarsometatarsal joint

Type : plane variety of synovial joint

Muscles: short and long extensors of the toe (flexion, extension);

 tibialis anterior, fibularis longus (abduction, rotation)


Plane variety of synovial joint


Type : ellipsoid variety of synovial joint

flexor digitorum brevis, lumbricales, interossei (flexion);

 flexor hallucis longus and brevis (extension);

 abductor hallucis, plantar interossei (abduction);

adductor hallucis, dorsal interossei, abductor digiti minimi (adduction)

Interphalangeal joints

Type : hinge variety of synovial joint

Muscles: flexor digitorum longus and brevis (flexion);

 extensor digitorum longus and brevis (extension)


1.       Subtalar jt , very important ( muscles producing movement )

2.       Related questions :

3.       What is arch?

4.       How medial and lateral  longitudinal arches are formed ?

5.       How anterior and posterior  transverse arches are formed ?

6.       Factors maintaining the arches of foot



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