Saturday, April 27, 2024

Anatomy of Frey's syndrome


Anatomy of Frey's syndrome 

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Auriculotemporal nerve injury may result from parotid gland surgery or penetrations.

The sympathetic fibers of the auriculotemporal nerve may connect with the secretomotor fibers during regeneration, supplying the sweat glands in the skin around the parotid gland.

Consequently, the stimulus meant to promote salivation causes perspiration to be produced instead, which is why when a person eats, sweat appears on the skin around the parotid gland.

Warmth or tingling sensations, as well as skin flushing or redness in the affected area. Usually, the auriculo-temporal nerve innervates the specific region where these symptoms occur. Frey's syndrome in and of itself is not thought to be harmful or life-threatening, but for those who have it, it can be uncomfortable and awkward in social situations.

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