Sunday, April 28, 2024

Cells types of human body


Cells types of human body

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1.    Totipotent cells: are able to produce a separate embryo under favorable conditions

2.    Pluripotent cells: are groups of cells which produce specific type of tissue Somatic cells

3.    Germ cells : are any cell that gives rise to the gametes of an organism that reproduces sexually.

4.    Somatic cells:  any cell of a living organism other than the reproductive cells.

Somatic cells of body are three types:

  1. Permanent cells: they do not divide in post natal life (after birth) . Ex: neuron
  2.  Labile cells are cells that multiply constantly throughout life. ex: epidermis of skin(replace within one month) , intestinal epithelium(replace daily) ,
  3. Stable cells are cells that multiply only when needed. Ex : liver, skeletal muscle

Germ cells: are two types male and female germ cells

Female germ cell:Oocyte:the female germ or sex cell produced in the ovaries

      Immature female germ cells:Oogonia/ Diploid /Chromosome number: 46 ( 44 autosomes+ XX)/At intrauterine life, they increase their number by mitosis  

      Mature female germ cells:Ovum ( mature oocyte ) / Haploid/Chromosome number: 23 (22 autosomes + X) / After puberty uptomenopouse, only one ovum is produced by meiosis in each month

Male germ cell: Sperm:the male germ cell produced in the testes.

      Immature male germ cells :Spermatogonia/Diploid /Chromosome number: 46 ( 44 autosomes+ XY)/ At  puberty they start to increase their number by mitosis  and continued until death

      Mature male germ cells :Spermatozoa / Haploid / Chromosome number: 23 (22 autosomes + X Or 22 autosomes + Y) / At  puberty they start to increase their number by meiosis &  continued until death

Difference between male & female germ cell

      Female germ cells :

      Male germ  cells

      Only one type: 22X

      22 autosomes

      1  Sex chromosome X

      two types : 22X  & 22Y

      22 autosomes and one sex chromosome  either X or Y 

      SN: a single male germ cell never contain both X & Y  



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