Monday, April 29, 2024

General embryology : Formation of neural crest


Formation of neural crest

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Neural crest, group of embryonic cells that are pinched off during the formation of the neural tube, they are located within the neural folds.  The cells of the neural crest migrate to numerous locations in the body ( both cranial region and trunk region) and contribute to the formation of diverse structures, mostly associated with the nervous system.Cranial neural crests migrate into pharyngeal arches.

Cranial neural crest cells differentiate into the following adult cells and structures.

1.       Pharyngeal arch skeletal and connective tissue components

2.       Bones of neurocranium

3.       Pia and archnoid mater

4.       Parafollicular (C) cells of thyroid gland

5.       Conotrucal septum/ aortic-pulmonary septum

6.       Odontoblasts (dentin of teeth)

7.       Sensory ganglia of cranial nerves (CN) V, VII, IX, X

8.       Parasympathetic ganglia (ciliary ,otic, submandibular and pterygopalatine

These neural crest cells extend from somite 6 to the most caudal somites and migrate in a dorsolateral , ventral and ventrolateral direction throughout the embryo.

Trunk neural crest cells differentiate into following adult cells and structures

1.       Melanocytes

2.       Schwann cells

3.       Chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla

4.       Dorsal root ganglia

5.       Sympathetic chain ganglia

6.       Pre-vertebral sympathetic ganglia

7.       Enteric parasympathetic ganglia of the gut (meissner and Auerbach CN X)

8.       Abdominal / pelvic cavity parasympathetic ganglia

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