Sunday, April 28, 2024

General embryology : decidua vs chorion



Decidua means gravid endometrium.

Decidualization / Decidua reaction

·         Stromal cells of the endometrium become polyhedral and loaded with glycogenand lipids

·         Stromal cells begin to secrete cytokines, growth factors, and proteins like IGFBP1 and prolactin along with extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins such as fibronectin and laminin. The increased production of these ECM proteins turns the endometrium into the dense structure known as the decidua,

·         Presence of decidual white blood cells (leukocytes),

·         intercellular spaces are filled with extravasate

·         the tissues is edematous

At first it occur at the site of implantation but soon spread throughout the endometrium.

Parts of deciduas:it is divided into three parts

1.       Decidua basalis :parts of decidua deep to the developing embryo which contributes to the development of placenta

2.       Decidua capsularis :part of decidua which surround the embryo and it is separated from the uterine cavity

3.       Decidua parietalis :rest of the decidua excluding decidua basalis and decidua capsularis


It is a highly specialized extra-embryonic membrane that participates in the formation of the placenta.

Formation :it is formed by

1.     Somatopleuric layer of extraembryonic mesoderm

2.     Cytotrophoblast

3.     Syncytotrophoblast

Parts of chorion:

It has two parts

·        Chorion frondosum:the part of chorion where chorionic villi are well developed and it form the fetal parts of placenta.

·        Chorion leave:the part of chorion where chorionic villi are less developed.

Chorionic villi

Numerous small finger-like projections arise from the surface of the chorion is known as  chorionic villi.

Types of chorionic villi:

Primary, Secondary, Tertiary 

The main events of 1st week
1.     Fertilization
2.     Zygote formation
3.     Initiation of cleavage division
4.     Formation of morula
5.     Morula converts into blastocyst
6.     Implantation


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