Saturday, May 4, 2024

Basal nuclei : lecture notes


Basal nuclei

Terminology related to basal nuclei

Nerurological structure

Basal nuclei

Corpus striatum

Caudate nucleus + lentiform nucleus


Amygdaloid nucleus




Caudate nucleus +putamen


Globus pallidus

Caudate nucleus

Caudate nucleus

Lentiform nucleus

Globus pallibus +putamen


Basal nuclei

        They are the large masses of grey matter situated within the white core of each cerebral hemisphere

        They form essential part of extra pyramidal system

        Parts :

  1. Corpus striatum : it has two parts

        caudate nucleus:  neostriatum : relatively new

        Lentiform nucleus : it has two part i) globus pallidus (paleostriatum: relatively ancient) ii) putamen: neostriatum : relatively new ) 

2. Claustrum

3. Amygdaloid body

Corpus striatum

        It is situated lateral to the thalamus

        It is formed by caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus

        Internal capsule, a band of nerve fibres divide the lentiform nucleus and caudate nucleus

Caudate nucleus

        It is a comma shaped grey matter surround thalamus

        Parts : head, body and tail

        Amygdaloid body attached with terminal end of tail of caudate nucleus

Lentiform nucleus

        It is a lens shaped grey matter

        It forms lateral boundary of internal capsule

        It has two part :

    i) globus pallidus (paleostriatum: relatively ancient)

     ii) putamen: neostriatum : relatively new )


        It is a thin saucer shaped mass of grey matter

        It is situated between putamen and insula 

Amygdaloid body

        It is an almond shaped mass of grey matter in the temporal lobe

        It is situated deep to uncus

        Developmentally it is related to basal nuclei but functionally it is included in the limbic system

Connection of corpus striatum

        Afferent fibres come from cortex, thalamus , substantia nigra

        Efferent fibres goes to mainly in globus pallibus

        Fibres of globus pallidus goes to thalamus

Function of basal nuclei

  1. Regulate muscle tone
  2. smoothening the voluntary motor activities of the body
  3. Control automatic associated movements like swinging of arms during walking

Disorders of the basal ganglia

        Disturbance of muscles tone

        Unwanted involuntary movement

        Name of disease: parkinsonism :

        Resting tremors ( pill rolling tremor)  : diminished during movement

        Loss of facial expression

        Shuffling gait

        Cogwheel type of muscular rigidity

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