Monday, March 23, 2015

Atlanto‐occipital joint

Type: ‐ Synovial joint of Ellipsoid variety
 Articular surface
• Above: convex occipital condyles
• Below: Concave superior articular facet of  atlas

       Important relation of atlas: Inferolateral free margin of altas arches over the vertebral artery and first cervical nerve
       Blood supply: Vertebral artery
       Nerve supply of joint:  C1 nerve
       Movements of joint:
       • Ellipsoid joint ( biaxial joint)
       • Flexion / extension (nodding)‐ transverse axis
       • Lateral flexion‐ antero-posterior axis

       The atlantoaxial joint :

       is a joint in the upper part of the neck between the first and second cervical vertebrae; the atlas and axis.
       The atlantoaxial joint is of a complicated nature. It consists of three joint:
       Comprise of
       A pair of lateral atlantoaxial joints: (Plane joint) between inferior facets of atlas and superior facets of axis.
        A median atlanto-axial joint: (pivot joint) between the dens and anterior arch and transverse ligament of atlas
        All three joints produce rotatory movement around a vertical axis (No movement)
        Movement is limited by alar ligament
        Muscles producing movement are: Rectus capitis posterior major, obliquis capitis inferior, splenius capitis of one side along with sternomastoid of other side
(The median atlantoaxial joint is sometimes considered a double joint:
       one between the posterior surface of the anterior arch of atlas and the front of the odontoid process
       one between the anterior surface of the ligament and the back of the odontoid process)  
The ligaments connecting these bones are:
  1. Articular capsules
  2. Anterior atlantoaxial ligament
  3. Posterior atlantoaxial ligament
  4. Transverse ligament of the atlas

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