Monday, March 23, 2015

Bones of superior extremity :an easy and useful handout on Radius

An easy and useful handout on radius 

    1. Write anatomical points of radius.
Round head lies superiorly
Dorsal tubercle lies posteriorly at the lower part of radius
Sharp interosseous border lies medially 
    1. Upper end :
                                I.                              Head of radius is covered by ………………cartilage which is articulate with ……………of humerus and take part in formation of ……………. Joint
                             II.        Neck: it is surrounded by …………………………ligament. ……………………..muscle is inserted in lateral, anterior and posterior surfaces of  neck.
                           III.                  Tuberosity : it has two part. Posterior rough part receive insertion of the …………………………………..muscle and anterior smooth part is related to a ……………………
    1. Shaft :
                                                       I.      It has three borders.
Name of attached structure
Attachment area
Interosseous border
Interosseous membrane
Lower ¾ part of interosseous border
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Arises from upper and middle parts of the anterior border
Extensor retinaculum
Arises from lower part of anterior border

                                                    II.      it has three surfaces
Name of attached structure
Attachment area
Anterior surface
Flexor pollicis longus
Arises from upper 2/3 part of  anterior surface
Pronator quadratus
Inserted into lower ¼ part of anterior surface
Posterior surface
Abductor pollicis longus
Arises from the upper part of posterior surface
Extensor pollicis brevis
Arises from the part of posterior surface just below the abductor pollicis longus
Lateral surface
Inserted into upper part of lateral surface Also ant & pos surface of neck
Pronator teres
Inserted into middle part of lateral surface

    1. Lower end : it has five surfaces
Attached area
Lateral surface
Styloid process
Radial ligament of wrist joint
Area above the styloid process
Insertion of brachioradialis
Two groove lateral to styloid process
Tendons of Abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis are related
Medial surface
Bear an ulnar notch
Articulate with head of ulna and forms  inferior radio-ulnar joint
Lower part of ulnar notch
Articulate with articular disc of inferior radio-ulnar joint
Inferior surface
Medial quadrangular part
Articulate with lunate
Lateral triangular part
Articulate with scaphoid
posterior surface
Dorsal tubercle
Attachment  of extensor retinaculum
A groove medial to the dorsal tubercle
Lodges tendon of extensor pollicis longus
A groove lateral to the dorsal tubercle
Lodges tendon of extensor carpi radialis longus and extensor carpi radialis brevis
Anterior surface

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