Friday, April 22, 2016

Thorax card (new curriculum) : MBBS item viva questions (bangladesh)

(Viva- item examination)
Item no-1: Thoracic Wall, thoracic cavity, Pleura & Mediastinum
  1. Give the skeletal boundary of thoracic cage. Tell about content of thoracic cavity
  2. Give the  boundary of thoracic inlet
  3. Give the  boundary of thoracic outlet
  4. What do you mean by typical intercostal space?
  5. Mention the name of intercostal muscles with origin, insertion & NS
  6. Define mediastinum with different subdivision. Give the boundary of superior / inferior (anterior/ middle/ posterior)  mediastinum and list their contents.
  7. Joint: sternocondal jt & costochondal jt:  formation & type.
  8. What do you mean by i) True ribs ii) False rib iii) Floating ribs
  9. Identify sternal angle and write importance of sternal angle.
  10. Bones: Typical rib, 1st rib, 12th rib
  11. Figure- 1st & 12th rib
Item-2: Different joint of thorax
1.      Name different joint of thorax, mention their formation & type.
2.      Write about peculiarities of clavicle.
3.      Define joint. Classify joint
4.      Classify (fibrous/cartilaginous/ synovial joint)
5.      Write features of synovial joint.
6.      Difference between primary & secondary cartilaginous joint.
7.      Bone: Clavicle, Sternum  
8.      Figure: clavicle /Sternum/Typical synovial joint./Fibrous joint/Cartilaginous joint.
1.      Define pericardium. Write different layers with blood & nerve supply
2.      How many chambers present within heart.
·         Write a flow chart to describe systemic circulation.
·         Write a flow chart to describe pulmonary circulation
·         Write a flow chart to describe portal circulation
3.      List the name of structure enter into the right atrium of heart.
4.      How sternocostal surface of heart is formed?
5.      Draw & label arterial supply,venous supply of heart and nerve supply of heart
6.      Discuss the  role of sympathetic& para sympathetic nervous system on heart
7.       Mention difference layers of heart.
8.      Identify/formation 
Four chamber of heart 
 Surfaces- sternocostal, diaphragmatic,  left surfce , base
Borders-Right border Left border, interior border
Grooves – Coronary sulcus, ant. & pos. interventricular grooves
Vessels: Rt & Lf coronary artery, coronary sinus
Root of great vessels- SVC, IVC, ascending thoracic aorta, arch of  aorta, descending thoracic aorta, four pulmonary vein, pulmonary trunk
         Interior of heart- Interventricular septum/Papillary muscle/Corda tendenae/Cups/
                                        musculae pectinae/fossa Ovalis /Limbus fossa ovalis.
             Figure:    1. Arterial supply of heart
                               2. Venous system of heart
                               3. Conducting system of heart
1.      Define pleura mention its different layers. Mention blood & nerve supply of pleura.
2.      Extension of trachea. Difference between Rt & left principal bronchus. Blood supply of trachea
3.      Extension of conducting & respiratory part.
4.      Lining epithelium of conducting & respiratory part. 
5.      Identify-
    Surfaces- medial i) Vertebral   ii) Mediastinal
    Costal, Base, Apex, Hilum
              Bordar- Anterior border & inferior  border.
              Ligament- Pulmonary ligament.
              Groove- Groove for azygous vein, Groove for SVC, IVC, Descending thoracic aorta.
        6.  Function of conducting & respiratory part.
        7.  Define Branchopulmonary segment. Draw & label B.S of both Lung.
 Figure- pleura   
                       - Supra-plueral membrane - formation, attachment function.
  Item-5:The Diaphragm & Oesphagus:
Esophagus: Extension, Lining epithelium, Blood supply,  peritoneal relation, Porto-systemic anastomosis
The Diaphragm- Anatomical points
                         - Parts
                         - Openings – vertebral label & structure passing through it.
                         - Functions.
                         - Nerve supply- sensory and motor.
                         - Type of muscle present in the diaphragm.
Bones: Typical thoracic vertebrae, Atypical thoracic vertebrae
Phrenic nerve- root value.
                      - Important relation.
                       - what type of nerve it is?
                       -arises from which plexus 
                      - supplied area.
Spinal nerve: Formation & location.  
                      what type of nerve it is?
                      Draw & label
Intercostal nerve: Formation
                             Difference between spinal nerve & intercostal nerve.
Lymphatic drainage:
What are right lymphatic duct, thoracic duct & cisternal chyli?
Branches of ascending aorta & desconding aorta tributaries of SVC, azygous & hemiazygous vein  

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