Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Langman's medical embryology: General embryology : SAQs for practice

Langman’s medical embryology books
General embryology
 Chapter 1: Matching

it is the study of normal developmental process
it is the study of abnormal developmental process
the first 8 weeks of  development
Fetal period
the period of development from 9 wks to birth 
Process whereby one population of cells or a tissue causes another set of cells or tissues to change their fate.
region of a gene that can be transcribed into a protein
region of a gene that can not be transcribed into a protein
a complex of DNA and protein

  1. discuss shortly mandle’s law of inhabitant
  2. Define growth. Classify growth with example.
  3.  what is differentiation
  4. What is totipotent cells and pluripotent cells?
Chapter 2: gametogenesis :
  1. Define zygote.
  2. gametes are derived from primordial germ cells that are formed in the epiblast/ hypoblast
  3. Primordial germ cells begins to migrate from .............................. toward developing gonads during 3/4/5 weeks of development
  4. Mention three features of teratomas
  5. Human chromosomes contain .............................genes
  6. what is cross over ?
  7. Discuss the result of meiotic divisions.
  8. What is polar body?
  9. Classify chromosomal abnormality with example.
  10. What do you mean by non-disjunction and anaphase lag ?
  11. Mention five features of Turner’s syndrome, klinfelter’s syndrome and down syndrome?
  12. Define oogenesis. Name of immature and mature female germ cells. 
  13. What do you mean by primordial follicle, growing follicle , primary follicle, secondary (antral ) follicle, secondary ( graafian ) follicle
  14. Draw and label graafian follicle.
  15. When number of oogonia is reach in maximum number?
  16. In oogenesis,  When 1st meiotic and 2nd meiotic division is complete?
  17. Differentiation of primordial germ cells in female ( primordial germ cells ...oogonium(immature cells) ....primary oocyte.......secondary oocyte .......ovum( mature cells ) 
  18. How many days are required to complete spermatogenesis ?
  19. What are the changes occurred in spermiogenesis?
  20. Draw and label cells of testes with their functions.
  21. Write the chromosome number of oogonia, primary oocyte, 2nd oocyte, ovum, spermatogonia, primary spermatocyte, 2nd spermatocyte, spermatozoa
  22. Differentiation of primordial germ cells in male ( primordial germ cells ...spermatogonia (immature cells) ....type A spermatogonia and type B spermatogonia ........ type B spermatogia ....primary spermatocyte .......secondary spermatocyte .....early spermatid ....late spermatid ....spermatozoa( mature cells ) 
  23. Write  difference between oogenesis and spermatogenesis :
        When it starts,
              Are oogonia able to divide after birth?
              Number of mature germ cells after each meiotic divisions,
             Chromosome number (sex chromosome X or Y) 
             Polar body
             When oogenesis and spermatogenesis are stop
             Which hormones are act in oogenesis and spermatogenesis etc.

Chapter 3 : 1st week of development : ovulation to implantation
  1. sexual cycles are controlled by hypothalamus/ pituitary glands / ovary or testes
  2. gonadotropin releasing hormones (GnRH) produced by hypothalamus/ pituitary glands / ovary or testes
  3. Follicle stimulating hormones (FSH) and luteinizing hormones (LH) produces by hypothalamus/ pituitary glands / ovary or testes
  4. what is the function of follicle stimulating hormones
  5. Which cells produce estrogen and progesterone?
  6. what is the function of estrogen and progesterone hormones
  7. When LH (lutinizing hormone) surge is occurred?
  8. write importance of LH surge
  9. What is ovulation? what are the sign of ovulation
  10. What do you mean by corpus luteum, corpus albicans ,  corpus luteum of pregnency
  11. Define fertilization.
  12. what is capacitation and acrosome reaction
  13. mention the phases of fertilization
  14. mention the egg response
  15. Mention the results fertilization.
  16. What is cleavage? 
  17. Draw and label Blastocyst.
  18. how many layers are present in uterus
  19. endometrium of uterus passes how many stages in each menstrual cycle, in which stage implantation is occurred ?
  20. How many layers are there within uterine endometrium?

Chapter 4: 2nd week of development : bilaminar germ disc
  1. what are the changes take place in 8 days of development
  2. what do you mean by lacunar stage
  3. When secondary yolk sac cavity and chorionic cavity is formed?
  4. What are the changes take place in 2nd week of development ?
  5. What do you mean by decidua reaction?
  6. what is primary villi?
  7. what is ectopic pregnancy?
  8. what is hydatidiform mole ?
  Chapter 5: Third week of development : trilaminar germ disc
1.      what is Gastrulation?
2.      Draw and label dorsal surface of germ disc ( 16 days) showing primitive streak, primitive node and pit, oropharyngeal membrane ( buccopharyngeal membrane ) , cloacal membrane
3.      how notochord is formed ? mention its importance and fate.
4.      what is saccrococcygeal teratoma?
5.      what is Kartagener syndrome?
6.      What do you mean by primary, 2nd and tertiary villi ( Draw and label)
7.      how umbilical cord is developed? 
Chapter 6 : Third to eight weeks : The embryonic period
1.      define neurulation. how neural tube is formed ? (Draw and label )
2.      How neural crest is formed? mention the derivatives of neural crest cells .
3.      Mention derivatives of neural crest ?
4.      Draw and label transverse section of development of ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm
5.      Define vasculogenesis and angiogenesis ? what is hemangiomas?
6.      Derivatives of ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm
Chapter 7 : 3 month to birth : the fetus and placenta
1.      define fetal period .
2.      when primary ossification center of bone is developed?
3.      when intestinal loops is herniated in the umbilical cord?
4.      When mother feel movement of fetus ?
5.      what is vernix caseosa?
6.      Mention the name of fetal membranes
7.      Draw and label a 2nd month fetus showing decidua capsularis, decidua parietalis and decidua basalis, chorionic leave and chorionic frondosum
8.      Mention the structure of placenta with its functions
9.      define amnion with its functions. What is polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios
10.  Draw and label an umbilical cord. what is true and false knots.
11.  define dizygotic and monozygotic twin
Chapter 8: birth defects and prenatal diagnosis
1.      define teratology, teratogens
2.      mention different types of abnormality
3.      what is malformation, disruption, deformation, syndrome
4.      Draw a graph showing the times of gestation versus the risks of birth defects
5.      shortly discuss the principle of teratology
6.      give some examples of teratogens

7.      Mention the name of common congenital abnormality

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